1 Timeless Piece of Christmas Decor in 3 New Ways

What's the one piece of decor that you can use at a party, on a door, and with an outfit? How about a Merry Christmas sign! I have to admit, this post was one of my favorites to create. Taking a no frills sign and turning it into 3 types of holiday magic was just too much fun. Here's how I did it, and how you can too.
1. Start with a "Merry Christmas" sign.
This one is made of wood by a local artist who specializes in these amazing wood cut outs.
He made this sign especially for Couture Ever After, and we're excited to not only show you how you can use it, but do an INSTAGRAM GIVEAWAY so you can have this very one!

Paint the sign in your color of choice. We loved gold for this one since it made it really shine.
Attach the sign to the front of your wreath using wire, or fishing line (for a more concealed attachment).
Add a little something extra to give it pizzazz. We chose a piece of wide white ribbon for a uncomplicated sophisticated look.
Hang the wreath on your door, and voila!

We kept the sign in its plain wood form for this one since we thought the rustic woodland theme called for it. Raw wood, mirrored lake, snow, and deer...the quintessential woodland Christmas table!

To create this whimsical tablescape, you really only need 6 components...
Specialty tablecloth. We loved this one from Bowman and Company because it fit perfectly with our snowy lake scene.
Full length mirror. A standard full length mirror that isn't more than 2 feet in width will work great. Just lay it on the center of the table as the underlay for your centerpiece. The key here is that you need a table that's at least 6ft long (8ft long table is easiest).
Fake snow. Use the kind that they use for tree skirts, and rip it up into irregular pieces so the edges look fluffy and more realistic. Place the pieces around the front and back edges of the mirror to mimic a snow banked lake.
Arrange a few pieces of cedar pine in the very center of the mirror. This will accent the sign, and help support it.
Place the "Merry Christmas" sign among the cedar pine branches.
Arrange a handful of toy deer along the mirror. We chose a mixture of bucks, does, and fawns, and arranged them in groups as if they were casually crossing the frozen lake. We bought ours at a local toy store.

This one was quite a blast to create and style. Although it probably isn't practical for everyone to dress up like a human Christmas tree, I think this more than demonstrates that this sign can be styled in some very non-traditional ways.
I can't wait to wear this to my next Christmas party... ugly sweater contest or not, this is winner.
In reality I think I'll pair it with a fun cocktail dress and do myself up with red lipstick and glitter...it doesn't get more fun that that folks!
To create:
Paint your color of choice. We loved red.
Paint a headband the same color. We chose a very sturdy headband from Goodie that was on the wider side to more easily hold the sign.
Try the headband on, while facing a mirror, center the sign on top. Using a marker, make small marks where the sign hits on the headband to align when it's off.
Remove the headband.
Wire the sign to the headband using a few small pieces of rather stout wire. Be sure the sign is aligned with the marks you made on the headband!
Paint the entire piece one last time to cover any marks, and the newly added wire.

Lady Christmas Tree Photos // Darrin Hackney Photography
Specialty Tablecloths (red sequin, white sequin, crushed green, gold velvet & faux fur sash) //
Design // Couture Ever After